Turning on GitHub Pages
We’re assuming that you have an account on Github and on that account, a repository. If you don’t, and need a hand creating an account, tell us! Pages is a feature that automatically renders your documents as html (webpages), basically allowing you to create a website from the documents you have in the repository!
- Navigate to the main page of your repository
- Navigate to the settings page for your repository (this lives in the toolbar under the repository name; the furthest to the right is “< > Code” and the furthest to the left is “Settings”

- On the settings page you’ll have a new menu on the left of the screen; one of the lower options is “pages” (navigate there)

- On this screen you’ll see a section called Build and Deployment; you’ll change two settings here
- ensure Source says Deploy from a branch
- ensure Branch selects something that isn’t none (I selected main)
- Now select Save
- Navigate back to the main page of your repository (the pages can take 2-3 minutes to create)
10.After a few minutes, test your site! You can type in https://[username].github.io/[repositoryname]/ or you can add a clickable Link
## Adding a Quick-Access Link to Github
- On the home page of your repository, you’re looking for yet another settings icon; this one is to the right, in a section titled “about”
- Select that icon, and a pop-up window will appear that allows you to edit the information about your repository
- Check the box under Website that says “Use Your GitHub Pages Website” and Save Changes
- Click that link whenever you want to see your Pages rendered as HTML

- The repository must be public to add pages
- You must be the owner of the repository to turn pages on (i.e., collaborators can’t make this change)
- Make sure you have a README.md document; this will act as your “home page” for your “website”
- If you add HTML into your .md files, they usually won’t “preview” very well when looking at Github itself, Open them in Github Pages view to really see how it works!