
Turning on GitHub Pages

We’re assuming that you have an account on Github and on that account, a repository. If you don’t, and need a hand creating an account, tell us! Pages is a feature that automatically renders your documents as html (webpages), basically allowing you to create a website from the documents you have in the repository!

  1. Navigate to the main page of your repository
  2. Navigate to the settings page for your repository (this lives in the toolbar under the repository name; the furthest to the right is “< > Code” and the furthest to the left is “Settings” Image of Settings Location
  3. On the settings page you’ll have a new menu on the left of the screen; one of the lower options is “pages” (navigate there) Image of Settings > Pages location
  4. On this screen you’ll see a section called Build and Deployment; you’ll change two settings here
  5. ensure Source says Deploy from a branch
  6. ensure Branch selects something that isn’t none (I selected main)
  7. Now select Save
  8. Navigate back to the main page of your repository (the pages can take 2-3 minutes to create) 10.After a few minutes, test your site! You can type in https://[username][repositoryname]/ or you can add a clickable Link

## Adding a Quick-Access Link to Github

  1. On the home page of your repository, you’re looking for yet another settings icon; this one is to the right, in a section titled “about”
  2. Select that icon, and a pop-up window will appear that allows you to edit the information about your repository
  3. Check the box under Website that says “Use Your GitHub Pages Website” and Save Changes
  4. Click that link whenever you want to see your Pages rendered as HTML

Screenshot 2023-03-16 5 08 32 PM
